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Project Manager’s role in building effective teams

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Teams play a crucial role in the success of the project. The project manager plays a key role in developing the project team from a group of individuals to an integrated, cohesive team have a common goal.

The project managers leadership style, attitude, focus on achieving the goals and energy level will all directly impact the success of the team.

Education, Experience, Emotions, and Expectations (E4)©

Teams are made up of persons from diverse backgrounds, cultures, skills, knowledge, experience, attitudes and expectations.

Education, Experience, Emotions, and Expectations (E4)©  all impact the contribution made by a team member.

All team members can contribute in different ways. The project manager has the responsibility to build synergy among the team members and select the appropriate person for performing the work based on their skills, knowledge and experience.

Leading the Team

Team members look for a Project Manager that can trust. Someone who provides direction, is fair and recognizes the efforts made by them and their performance. The project Manager must build trust, lead by example, have an open mind, encourage the team members and establish an environment where team members feel they are an integral and valuable part of the team.

Positive Energy

Teams tend to radiate similar kind of energy as tat displayed by the leader so if the Project Manager displays positive energy the team will pick this up and will be similarly charged in performing the work. If the project manager is negative the team will pick it up behave accordingly. So its need and necessary for the leader to make consistent level of positive energy for team to make them productive and potent.

Empowering the Team

Empowering the team is a powerful way to build the team members ability. Over time the project Manager comes to know the strengths and weaknesses of the different persons. Equipped with this data they can guide team members to play a more active role in taking decisions when performing their work.

About Author

Rakesh Kumar Singh